

2023 - Barcelona, Spain

Drift is an immersive and interactive artwork that offers the experience of walking through a field of light particles that move aimlessly as the visitor crosses, recomposing the environment into a new one; the calm of the digital realm is only interrupted by the presence of visitors. It allows the visitor to observe nature through new lenses revealing hidden worlds that can only be imagined with technology. 

Taken from a series of drone scans of Mexican landscapes and digitally reinterpreted in real time.

Commissioned as the opening piece for the Digital Impact exhibition at the Design Museum in Barcelona. The exhibition also showcased leading digital artists such as Refik Anadol, Universal Everything, Random International, Quayola, Field, among another international digital artists.

Drone scans by Roberto H.

Sound Design by Before Tigers

My research on using 3D scan technology and interactivity started in Brazil a few months before jumping into this project on the streets of Porto Alegre with the following composition.

Digital Impact exhibition view.


Sparks of Change